An unexpected lockout at your place of business can hurt your efficiency and your bottom line. This costly mistake is completely avoidable with good preparation. Use the following tips to create a plan and avoid a damaging lockout at your business before it occurs.

Keep a spare key

Having access to a spare key is one of the simplest ways to avoid a business lockout. Consider creating a spare key for emergencies and hiding it in a secure location until it is needed. A safety deposit box or a hide-a-key system are great places to keep an extra key for emergencies.

You can also give copies of your business’s keys to trusted employees to hold for their own use. This will give you additional options to regain access in the event of a lockout. Just be sure to keep track of any copies made and only give keys to those employees you can truly depend on.

Keep contacts handy

There could be many people who have access to keys in any business. Be sure to have the contact information for keyholders handy in case of a lockout. An employee directory is a useful place to gather contact information for later use.

Generate a directory with all the keyholder’s contact information and phone numbers and be sure to store this information in your phone’s contact list. You’re never truly locked out if you can reach out to someone with a key for assistance.

Budget for lockouts

Any security budget should include funds to handle unforeseen challenges such as a lockout. Security budgets are one of the most commonly overlooked aspects of running a business. Planning for these miscellaneous expenses ahead of time can save money in the long run when an emergency occurs.

Consider including funds to have extra keys made and a means to hide them in the security budget for your business. This fund can also help pay for locksmith services if all else fails.

Call in the experts

Sometimes even the best preparation fails. It may be necessary to contact a locksmith if an extra key cannot be produced during a business lockout. Lockouts can be extremely costly for your business. Workers can’t be productive if they can’t access the workplace. Customers might even be put off if they arrive to find your business is inaccessible during usual business hours.

Don’t let an accidental lockout harm your business. Contact the professionals at Dublin Mobile Locksmith to handle this problem with ease and efficiency. Dublin businesses trust Dublin Mobile Locksmith for all preventative and emergency locksmithing needs. Reach us any time at (614) 591-4727.